Saturday, April 23, 2011

Planting the Love Fig

Three years ago when my husband got me to start my first garden, he bought me a small fig tree because I liked it. At the time, we were just dating and we constantly had a joke about the tree, saying that we had to keep it alive or our love would die with it (think How To Lose A Guy In Ten Days). So, we made sure to keep it well cared for on principal.

Recently, after changing its pot multiple times over the years, the fig has started to get some kind of brown spot illness and was looking too crowded in its latest pot. We knew it was time to plant it in the ground. But where to put it?

Nature gave us our answer when 3 weeks ago a freak storm caused by a nasty nor-easter brought a tornado to my in-laws' street and pretty much snapped all their big oak trees they planted over 20 years ago in half. So, as a gesture to replace what was lost in the storm and help the fig tree out at the same time, we asked if we could plant our little fig in Justin's parents' side pasture.

So, since we were going over to their house for Justin's sister's birthday anyway, we loaded up the fig and went a bit early to give our love fig a new home.
Our Love Fig :)
Doesn't Justin look so happy?
Gordo had to try and help out.
Now in it's new home :)
Justin and me with our fig.
So, now that our fig is in its permanent home, we can rest easy that it will have plenty of space and love. Not a bad nod for Earth Day this year ... we actually planted a tree!

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