Saturday, August 20, 2011

Final Success at Publix

Well, I went by the Knox McRae Publix store because their stocker-man (don't really know what that job title actually should be) told me that they would be getting a shipment of the GM cereals on Friday night, but it would take them til about mid-day Saturday to have everything out on the shelves. I'm so glad I asked him! I just went by there on my way home from work and the rest is history :) Here is what I got:

  • 10 boxes (1 lb size) of Reese's Puffs Cereal, $4.99 - Used rain check for B1G1 sale, two $1 off 2 GM Cereals coupons from newspaper, two $1 off 3 coupons from newspaper, and 10 $2 off Any GM Cereal Publix Coupons from the GDGM display = 10 for 95¢
  • 8 McCormick Grill Mates Seasoning Blends, 2 for $1.99 - Used eight $1 off coupons from the Sweet Savings Publix Booklet = 8 for Free + 4¢ overage
  • Ground Cardamom, $10.19
That cardamom almost killed me to buy (the cashier actually stopped and said, "You know this one is $10, right?"), but I've been wanting to make a specific recipe for a long time and cardamom is the only ingredient I need for it. So, since I had a $5 off $30 Winn Dixie coupon to use along with all my others, I decided I could get it :) So for everything you see, my total without rain checks or coupons would have been $76.01. I only paid $6.10! Yahoo! My little sister has already asked me if I wanted to share those Reese's Puffs - it's my family's favorite cereal. Now I have a reason for them to be really nice to me :)

***So, if you got a rain check on the cereal deal last week, head out to the Publix in Port St. John or in the Royal Oak Plaza in Titusville as they both have restocked! They said they gave out a lot of rain checks, so go today to make sure you get yours!***

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