Saturday, November 10, 2012

My Latest Thrift Store Find

I love to go thrifting (as I know I've mentioned before) and I have a few stores that I try to go to every week because *ahem* they're the cheapest :) My favorite of favorites - the local Salvation Army - has officially put out their coats! Since I live in Florida, coats are not something we need 80% of the year, so many thrift stores just leave them in the back until it gets chilly out. Well lucky for me I stopped by the week they appeared on the racks because I found this:
It's a rabbit fur coat! I know it seems pretty ridiculous for someone to have one of these nowadays (especially in Florida), but just look at it! This is by far the coolest fur I've seen personally and it's in great shape. 
It's definitely from the early 60s. It has elbow length sleeves (my fav) and has navy blue and cream striped fur. Plus, it fits me! The cut of it is also very indicative of the time. It's only flaw is that it is missing the top button at the neck, but I can live with that and if I really need to clasp it there I can always use a big brooch or something.

I'll confess I have no idea when or where I would wear this too. Additional confession - I already have another rabbit fur coat I bought last year. I'm crazy, I know. But both of the coats I have are very unique (the other one is shorter and is a deep burgundy color) and they fit me which is really rare.

What do you think about furs? Should I chance wearing it out? Part of me is terrified of being accosted by anti-fur folk that would hate me forever. Personally, I agree that killing animals for furs is an awful thing and I would never dream of buying a new one; but these bunnies lost their lives over 50 years ago and there is certainly nothing we can do about it now. I look at it as I'm honoring their sacrifice :)

At least if I never wear it I know I got it at a good price :) Hopefully I take a chance and wear it though!

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