Friday, March 15, 2013

More Second Hand Furniture

So, this week was the week of Craig's List. I got an app on my phone and whenever I'm bored at work I look through the furniture section to see what's new and cheap :) My parents needed a few items too, so I used them as an excuse to really look hard. I ended up finding them a set of night stands for $30 (they're really nice!) and since my dad was going to pick those up, he offered to swing by and look at something I had been eyeing.
This lingerie cabinet matches my French Provincial dresser from Brenna AND the mirror I found on the side of the road. Score! I'm seriosuly addicted to this style and now it's become sort of a collection. I've just got to get them all! lol. This guy was $30 and honestly it's pretty roughed up. It seems to have belonged to a smoker because there's orangey-brown weirdness all over it and it smells. Nothing some spray paint can't fix :)
While my dad was picking up the lingerie cabinet, he saw this dresser too and grabbed it for $30 since he had room in the van :) Another piece for the collection! I now have a goal to get the whole bedroom suite - how awesome would that be?!

I also received a wonderful gift from my dear friend Tara :) My new dining room table!
This baby is solid wood and it is a beast! It has an extra leaf in the center and it has a drawer at the ends on either side. You know, so I can hide a knife in case of intruders or something :) It's a little roughed up, but for now I just gave it a wipe down and covered it with a table cloth so we don't mess it up. Once we get the other furniture in the room I can get a better idea of what finish to put on it, so at least I can use it in the meantime. Thank you so much, Tara!
I'm sure everyone out there will think I'm just as nuts as my family does for this one. There was a big yard sale around the corner from my parents' house last weekend. Sadly, I didn't get to go to it, but we drove by afterward and noticed this crib was still hanging around. I ran into the lady later and she said it wasn't up to current safety standards so they couldn't sell it. I told her I wouldn't be putting a baby in it and she sold it to me for $15! I have pinterest to thank for this one - have you seen all the cool benches and things people have made out of cribs? I'll make this into a chair or something down the line :)

So, those are some of the newest acquisitions :) My garage is seriously brimming with furniture, so I'm going to really start slapping these out, you know, so I can fit the car in the garage.

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