Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My Craftsy Wishlist

So, I haven't really had so much time to do what I want lately. Sure, I've posted about a few animals and knitting projects here and there, but my crafting time has seriously been taken over with house fixing time. Also, I've already moved most of my supplies over to my house so if I do have a few minutes to work on something it has to have already been planned out so I make sure to have the supplies on hand. Pain in the butt! lol Anyway, in my few solitary moments of freedom I have taken to longingly looking through places like Craftsy. Even though I don't have time to actually watch the classes much and implement what I learn, I have made a little wishlist of the classes I want to snag once I have the time :)

My Craftsy Wishlist:
  1. Sew the Perfect Fit - This class is just what I need. It shows how to alter a flat pattern before you cut your pieces out to make sure it will fit well :) 
  2. Beginner Serging - This is another one that is not so much a want as a need. I've had an old serger for years, but I don't have a manual and I have no idea how to thread it let alone work with it. This class teaches you how to thread and maintain the serger plus how to best use it in sewing. Perfect!
  3. Mittens & Gloves Galore - I've wanted this one ever since it came out. Who wouldn't want a nice, cozy pair of custom knit mittens?! One of these days I'll get this class.
To be honest, there are many more classes I want to get and it was actually hard to narrow it down to just three. Notice how 2 of those are sewing classes? I am so jones-ing to get my sewing room finished and functional. I'm sure that will be the room that gets the most done when I move it just because it's where I want to be :)

Head over to Craftsy to see all the other classes and start a little wishlist of your own!

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