Sunday, June 9, 2013

Major Blog Renovations - Have A Look!

So, hopefully you have noticed, but I wanted to post about it just to be sure - I've done a big time blog overhaul! Not only have I changed the layout and header (and general scheme), I put all the extra "follow me" and "subscribe here" tabs into one concise section to the right. It looks like this:
Each little button takes you to a different social media service. From left to right: RSS feed subscribe, Bloglovin subscribe, Facebook page, Pinterest Board, Email, Twitter, Ravelry, Instagram, Networked Blogs subscribe, Etsy Store. I also gave my Etsy store its own tab up top, so it isn't off to the side of the blog posts anymore :)

I've also spruced up the extra pages. For example, the Fantabulous Foods page used to look like this:
Very spaced out - can't see more than 2 recipes at a time - just generally not very fancy looking. Take a look at it now:
Not too shabby, eh? Now everything is in grid form (I love me a nice grid) so you can scroll through the recipes quicker and see everything at the same time :) Hooray!

The part that I've spent the most time on (and that I have been wanting to do for AGES!) is this:
I HAVE A FINISHED PROJECTS PAGE! Hizzah! I have always wanted to do something like this, but honestly I've always had trouble getting the Blogger format to do what I want since I don't speak html code. I finally searched until I found something user friendly enough for me. Now I am able to catalog all my makes! And they are all separated by categories (in this order): Amigurumi, Knitting, Crochet, Sewing, Furniture Redos. I'm sure I will add more categories as I get more interests (let's face it - I always do). Also I'm working on a way to link to each section without making them a page of their own. Anyone know how to do that?

Anyway, I'm incredibly excited by the new design. I'm still working on a few more pages, but I will post about them when they launch. I can't wait! It's a new, more organized era, folks. Let's enjoy it together!

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