I am constantly wonding what time it is while I'm in there and I look up instinctively ... to see no clock. This weekend I fixed that :) Target had this simple clock on sale for $6.29, so I snatched it up. I hung it next to the closet door so close to the center of the room. I also put my fancy initial on the wall! Yay! My room is looking like someone lives there now.
I hinted last week that there was something else to hang up but Ikea shorted me on esome screws. Well, they popped them in the mail to me and they just arrived yesterday :) I couldn't wait to open the package and hang this baby up! This is the Fintorp rail series and I chose the basket and two little buckets to hang on it. I put it just above my cutting table so it will come in very handy for pens and tracing wheels I'm sure.
A friend of mine was cleaning out her storage unit a few weeks ago and gave me 3 of these drawer units (thanks, Tatia!). They've been sitting in my garage blocking the walkway ever since and I finally grabbed my husband and got him to help me carry them upstairs. For now there is one in each extra room upstairs, but that will likely change. My sewing room may need one more - he he. I filled the one that's already in there with yarn that has been in plastic bags until now. It's so neat and organized! Love it!
The downstairs bathroom has been the one we shower in and use the most since we're redoing so much in the other two. There is a towel bar on the wall, but it's all the way on the other side of the room, so when you shower you had to set the towel in the sink to be able to reach it when you get out. This is not convenient and drove me crazy, so we got this little hook that is nicely placed right at the shower entrance :) I plan on painting it white to match the other fixtures in the room, but it's been so humid lately and I didn't want to spray paint to bubble. So, I hung it up :) I'll just take it down to paint it later. Which brings us to the other side of the bathroom ...
We have a mirror! Oh, happy day! lol We haven't had a mirror up in this bathroom since I painted it ... which was before we moved in. It's such a small space that it was really difficult to find one narrow enough that still looked good. I just wandered by this one in Target yesterday and it was only $20, so I grabbed it and it worked great. Also the rounded edges tie into the circles on the shower curtain. I'm just so happy to have something up! Now if I can just change out those light fixtures...
After hanging all that, doing laundry, dishes, cleaning the kitchen, and organizing the bedroom, I scraped caulk in the pink bathroom. My goal is to make the room at least functional, so redoing the caulking is a big part of that. Problem is - the whole room has tile up the walls. That's a lot of caulk! lol So, now my knuckles are all bruised and cut up but I did the whole shower and am rounding over to the sink area now.
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Front yard, Back yard, Far Side yard |
While I cleaned and hung things up inside, my husband worked outside. And boy, did he work! I mowed most of the front yard on Sunday, but we ran out of gas. Not only did he finish the front and side yard, he also attacked the mini oak tree forest that was our back yard. Honestly, the back yard was just inaccessible before. You could technically walk through it, but you didn't want to. There were more oak trees than grass (from all the big oak trees) and you certainly couldn't do anything back there. Now it looks like someone lives here :) I can't wait to get those big trees out of there and actually be able to do something with our back yard!
So, that's what I've been up to. Do anything fun this weekend?
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