Saturday, September 28, 2013

Latest Thrifting Gems

I've done a decent amount of thrift shopping over the last month or so (and I've been bad and didn't put it all away until a few nights ago, lol). I figured I'd show off a few of my finds :) 

First off was this guy:
I found this porcelain bust at local shop for 50¢! And what fancy library is complete without a bust, I ask you? So he is now hanging out on our bookshelves in the office.
These all came from a shop near where I work. That plaid material seems synthetic, but it's at least 3 yards and it cost me 50¢. How can you go wrong with that? I also snagged a quilting book, afghan book from the 80s, afghan pamphlet from the 70s, and a mini stuffed animal book - they are little garden mice :)
These fabrics came from the local shop - this whole pile probably cost 75¢. The striped ones are baby-onesie-style jersey, the cream with flowers is polyester straight from the 70s and the purple is actually a skirt - but it's really big and homemade with an elastic waist, so I will treat it like fabric and make something else with it.
These magazines and pattern books were too good to pass up. I got one Burda from the 90s (complete and unused with patterns and all), several issues of Annie's Crochet, The Workbasket (check that knitted jack-o-lantern on the front!), a decorating book from the 60s, some needlepoint transfers, some late 50s baby knitting booklets, and two awesomely country crochet pattern pamphlets - fridge magnets (they look like barns and whatnot) and a complete kitchen decor set of cows! Haven't you always wanted a cow topped dishtowel? Of course you have :)
Here's a selection of patterns along with a stuffed animal crochet booklet and the singer fashion book from 1970.
And a nice supply of knitting/crochet patterns. Most of these are sweater patterns from the 70s and 80s, but there are two Stitch by Stitch books.
And a plethora of patterns! All of them are sewing patterns except for a crocheted bedspread booklet from the late 50s.
And finally a huge contribution to my collection of The Workbasket Magazine :) I got these in 4 lots and they span from 1960 to 1985 - mostly from the 1960s though. I'm loving some of the cover patterns - several ponchos from the 70s lol. I tend to pick these up when I find them just because they have quite a few patterns, which is always great, but they also have some of the funniest advertisements. I'll have to scan a few and show them some time.

So that's most of my haul from the last month or so. Some of these things will stay with me, but most of them will eventually make it to my Etsy store. Have you found anything fun lately?

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