Friday, March 21, 2014

FO Friday: Meet Spud the Sheep

I'm excited to announce that I finished my sheep this week :)
This is Spud! He is the main character from Spud & Chloe at the Farm. I've had this book for over a year and I had never made anything from it even though all the patterns are adorable. I figured I couldn't do better than to make the main man and I'm so glad he was my first choice as I just love him!
Spud is made from Everyday Soft Worsted yarn in Snow White and Really Red along with Vanna's Choice yarn in Beige. His body also has a piece of panty hose with poly pellets inside to give him some heft - this keeps him from toppling over :) I did modify the collar pattern a bit - if I had made it like the pattern said, the circle around the bow wouldn't have cinched in the bow at all, so I made it smaller. The collar itself is supposed to be long so it can connect to a leash so that Chloe (the other main character) can lead Spud around. Since I wasn't making a leash yet, I decided to just make the collar more sheep-neck appropriate. I can always just make the leash longer if/when I make a Chloe.
His body is made using a twist stitch. It was an experience to learn and at first it was really fun to do, but holy cow by the time I started the decreases I was so over it, lol. That's a lot of twisting, ya'll. He is definitely super cute because of this stitch though, so I'm really glad the pattern has you do it that way.
I'm also discovering that it takes almost as long to attach the pieces on knitted amigurumi as it does to actually knit the pieces. I've noticed that before with a few that I've made, but this one kind of made that sink in. I've been really into the knitted animals though lately for some reason. I don't mind that they take longer to make because I think I prefer the results and enjoy the process more than crochet. Not that I will be giving up crocheted animals :)
So that's my fun FO for this week :) Head over to Tami's Amis' Blog to see what fun things others have finished up!


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