Wednesday, July 30, 2014

WIP Wednesday: Myrna Progress

Well, I have an exciting finished project to show on Friday, which leaves me with just my Myrna progress to show today. I did get to work on this quite a bit this weekend (I've taken to knitting in church, lol, yes - I am THAT lady). 
I've finished the body and I'm almost finished with the right sleeve. The sleeve is done with short rows, which I've used before on toys and whatnot on a small scale, but this is the first time that I have done anything nearly this large and IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! Seriously, I'm actually excited to get to the next sleeve, lol. If only it wasn't for that dang ribbing - 22 rows of k1p1, ugh! So, I make up for the short row fun with the ribbing, but I am loving how this looks. You can actually tell it's a sweater!
Here's a detail shot of the sleeve. It has the same eyelet detail before the ribbing and the ribbing really cinches it in. I even managed to work on this while watching a Spanish show on Netflix - no joke, subtitles and all. Still knitting. It's called El Gran Hotel (The Grand Hotel) and it is exactly like watching a British period drama like Downton Abbey except it's in Spanish. So far it's pretty good :)
I also finally weaved in the ends and blocked my Miette cardigan that I finished knitting back in May, lol, you can't rush, you know. I used my new foam mats I bought at Home Depot and my Knitter's Pride T-Pins ... but when I pulled the pins out a few days later ...
(I know it's hard to see the spots - just look where the little raised dots are.)
My sweater had tons or rust spots on it from the pins! I was livid mad - for real, I used all "knitting" pins and they rusted. Turns out all blocking pins are nickel plated steel, not stainless. That's just false advertising in my book - anything that is known to touch something wet shouldn't be made of anything other than stainless steel. They are just being cheap. Anyone else had this problem? After lots of online searches (including contacting where I bought the pins - still no reply a week later ...), I decided to get some Carbona Rust Remover because it was recommended by someone in a similar situation and it's designed for use on fabric. The last thing I wanted was to use CLR and have it eat holes in my sweater or something. Anyway, I have the cleaner, but I haven't been able to officially use it yet. Hopefully this poor sweater gets finished sometime soon!

That's about it that I can show today :) Check back on Friday for one doozy of a FO Friday! Head over to Tami's Amis' Blog (she's back!) to see what others are working on!

1 comment:

  1. I've never had my T-Pins rust before. That sucks. All that work and then to have rust...ughh. So sorry to hear that. I really hope your solution works. If it doesn't maybe you can dye the sweater. Please let us know if your solution works. *fingers crossed.


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