Wednesday, January 14, 2015

WIP Wednesday: Minimal Progress

Well, things have been ... interesting these past few weeks. So much so that I didn't knit at all for almost 10 days (?!). This is a definite indicator that something is wrong in life, as any knitter would know :) Things finally started to calm down on Sunday night, so I got a chance to do some knitting. Not wanting to get too complicated straight off, I picked up the puny little toe I had started for my lacy socks and ran with them. In just a few days I have a sock that looks like this:
Not bad, eh? This is technically the 3rd time I started this sock, but it seems to have paid off because this time I didn't make any weird mistakes - the lace pattern is actually very easy to memorize, and I can say that what is knitted is 100% correct :) It's a small miracle, but I'll take it. I'm really liking these socks - the pattern is engaging enough to be interesting, but simple enough that I can do it while watching Downton Abbey. I hope to finish these soon so I can actually wear them this year. Good ole' Florida weather.

I have other things in the works, like my Emelie cardigan, but I haven't been in the mood to focus that much when I get knitting time. Hopefully my brain gets to settle down soon and then really get cooking. Until then though, these socks are filling the void.
Since Tami's Amis kind of fell apart midway through last year, a new WIP Wednesday group has started up :) So now I'll be joining with Stitch Along Wednesday each week. Come over and have a look for yourself!

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