Monday, February 29, 2016

FO: Bub the Bird

After all the knitting I did for Christmas gifts, I really needed a palette cleanser. I've had my eye on the Bub the Bird pattern ever since its release, so when I won a pattern of my choice from the designer back when I made my Candy Sheep, it was a no-brainer that I asked for this pattern :) I'd been itching to make it up, but I had sworn off personal knitting for Christmas projects at the time. So it only makes sense that I made this first thing!
This is the Bub the Bird pattern by Julie L. Anderson, and it's pretty ridiculously adorable. He reminds me of a character from the Disney animated Alice in Wonderland. I picked this pattern first since I knew it would be pretty simple - he's kind of just a ball with wings, legs, and a beak when you come right down to it. I knew there would be no fitting or math involved in making him, lol.
I used all yarn from my stash: Vanna's Choice in Colonial blue for the body and Scarlet for on antennae, Red Heart With Love in Daffodil for the legs and beak with Perfect Pink for one antennae, and Everyday Soft Worsted in Shamrock for the final antennae. I based my color choices off the main pattern example since I thought he was super cute and my brain just didn't want any choices at the time, ha ha.
I was thrilled to use a pair of my newly acquired pink safety eyes I got at The Sewing Studio on New Year's Day. I actually tried out these eyes, a blue pair, and an all black pair, but these were just so fun and honestly when else am I going to get to use pink eyes, amiright? I've only ever used a colored eye set once in all my creations even though I have several colors, so I had to take advantage of that opportunity. Plus I think the pink eyes really round off the slightly crazy design.
The wings and tail are all the same, and they used some interesting techniques for being such small pieces. I love their shape though, so it was well worth it. The antennae are made with i-cord for the yellow and then you increase to make the ball. It was interesting to hide the tails in them, but not as noticeable in person.
I love how his legs look wen dangling from something - the legs are just i-cord and then the feet are a really neat design so the come out webbed like duck feet. The "knees" are added after the fact with creative knotting, and I love him all the more for those knobby knees. He sits on one of my shelves by my sewing machine with his legs dangling down :) I think he's pretty fun.
So, that's my Bub :) This project was just what I needed after Christmas - cute and fun and frivolous. I definitely recommend this pattern, but maybe not as a first go. It's not hard, but there are some interesting shaping techniques that could be a bit confusing for a newbie. If you're a confident knitter, this pattern would be no problem. And I personally believe the world needs more Bub the Birds.

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