Saturday, May 19, 2018

Tiny FO: Pacifier Clips

So, I've had a little side project going on the past few weeks - I've been helping to take care of 2 adorable twin baby girls! I get them one day a week until they are old enough for daycare and we have been having a grand time :) Of course having little peeps around makes me want to make things for them, and the first thing I made was ridiculously simple but necessary. The girls kept knocking their pacifiers out of their mouths and they would fall on the floor when out and about - no cool! I couldn't have nasty floor germs infecting these cuties. I had to swing by Hobby Lobby for something and what did I find but a pack of pacifier clips - perfect! I grabbed a 4 pack and made some that night.
Pacifier clips are one of the easiest yet most annoying things to sew depending on your sewing machine, lol. Mine definitely did not like sewing them. I searched pinterest for a tutorial just to make sure I cut the right size pieces, and this one was great. I pulled out my scrap cotton bag and came up with 4 different fabrics with just barely enough - it's moments like this that I am actually grateful I don't get rid of any scraps. I even had scrap piece of interfacing - a total win!
 The clip pieces are some colored plastic ones by Babyville. Having never had a baby, these took a moment to figure out. That sucker really clips on! Definitely go with these instead of the suspenders clip style if you have a kid that pulls on things. I was worried I would break it just trying to get it open, lol. No breaking yet though.
 So I followed the tutorial and sewed an interfaced tube of fabric, turned it right side out, then tucked one end inside as best I could (it's not great - I hate tubes, lol). You just slip the fabric in the clip and overlap the fabric enough for your machine to fit across and make a square. In my case, I went with 2 lines and they are not as close to the cli pas I wanted - my machine really hated making these and I had to push the fabric through with a stiletto the whole way (thus the uneven stitching - ugh). It's not my neatest work, but it held on so I went with it.
At the other end of the tube I just added a loop of ribbon to the tube before top stitching it closed. This goes through the holes on the pacifier to connect it to the clip. Again - not my best work, but they babies have yet to complain...
 I made 4 that night with fabrics that matched the clip colors best :) I love that all of the materials are scraps except the clips themselves - even the ribbon was leftover from costume projects. So for $2.25 plus about 30 minutes, I have 4 clips ready to go. I gave 2 to the foster parents and I kept 2 at my house in case the others get lost or I need them at my house. The girlies seem to like them:
The family has even designated which clip goes to which baby, lol, so we can help tell them apart. The babies aren't super mobile yet, but it does make these easier to grab and find due to the bright colors on the straps. I know they will be even more important as the girls get bigger.
Another one in use while I watched them one day :)

So I know this is kind of a silly post for something so easy, but if you know anyone having a baby I would recommend making some up as a gift. Grab a few pacifiers at the store and them make a thoughtful yet useful present. Also aren't these babies so cute?!

Prepare to see a few more baby related posts staring these girls :) I just couldn't help but make them some things.

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