Friday, June 1, 2018

Me Made May 2018: The Recap

Well, May has come and gone and that means it's time to show how my challenge went. My pledge was:
"I, Megan of 'Show and Tell Meg' blog and @showandtellmeg on Instagram, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '18. I endeavor to wear at least one Me-Made item each day throughout the month and photograph each day. I also want to finish 2 new clothing items during the month (hopefully more, but we'll see)."

So how did I do? I completely my challenge and then some this year :) I don't commit to wearing any certain number of me mades each year because it just feels so limiting, but I was able to wear entirely me made clothes all but 5 days. I could've technically done those 5 as well, but I just didn't want to, lol. Of the items I did not make, only 1 item was bought new - all the others were thrifted or I've owned them for over 10 years. Other than that, my outfit was all me made aside from shoes, undies, etc. I don't go that far. I'm pretty proud of that :) Here is the breakdown of what I wore:
I also think it's worth noting that my brown Melissa skirt in particular was worn 5 times, lol. Man I love that thing. It's the work horse of my wardrobe and I blame it all on the magical fabric. I'm always looking for the same fabric (and if I find it, I will buy it in every color), but I got the brown at a thrift store so I don't know what it is. Other fabrics that seem similar have turned out to be imitations. I recently bought a piece of maroon fabric from a thrift store that could possibly be the same stuff (I actually bought an entire comforter bag full of fabric just for this one piece and I'm re-donating the rest). Hopefully that works out :)

As far as the other part of my pledge - finishing at least 2 new items -  way more than delivered. I finished my Yaletown Dress plus I made 4 new items over Memorial Day weekend! I am kind of shocked myself. My house is officially under contract to sell, and I knew this would be my last real hurrah in my lovely sewing room, so I just kept sewing as long as I could. Now I'm trying to make myself stop so I can pack it up! You will see my 4 new items in the coming weeks on the blog.
Another big thing I accomplished is that I went through my entire wardrobe and got rid of about half of it. I have 5 garbage bags ready to go to the thrift store and it's pretty great. I've been carrying things around for years never wearing them, and now I'm finally ready to let it all go.

So here are a few things I learned throughout the month:
  • I will wear whatever is comfy and clean - it doesn't matter if I've already worn it in the last few days
  • I need to get my denim skirt made
  • Wearing only me mades makes me want to sew even more than usual
  • I don't have any fancy me made clothing
I had a dream a few days ago that I had to go to some kind of fancy Do and I only had the dress I wore to my sister's wedding like 7 years ago that was appropriate, lol, which is true. I had a conversation recently about how there are several fancy items I want to make (and even already have fabric for), but I have absolutely nothing to wear them to, so I never make them. Maybe now is the time I just make something for the joy of it and then I will have it on hand should the need arise.

So there really aren't any big revelations from this year's Me Made May, but I've participated so long that I didn't really expect there to be any. I just join in for the challenge and being a part of this fun community. I'll still keep sewing what I want to sew when I want to sew it, and I will keep wearing my favorite patterns over and over, and life will be great :) I'm glad I decided to join in again this year, and I hope everyone had successful challenges!

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