Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Idea: Talent Does Not Exist

Over the past 6 or 8 months, I've had almost no sewing or knitting time whatsoever. For a while I was able to just muscle through knowing that eventually things would get better and I would have time for myself again. Well, life doesn't really work that way, unfortunately. After so long with almost no creative outlet at all, it's suddenly bubbling out all over the place. My creativity has been prodding me big time searching for a way out. In my spare moments here and there, I have turned to watching online videos. I started out with Creativebug, which is always great, but one day I happened to see a video by Josie Lewis and I've been completely hooked ever since. I bought her book and have made a goal to work through all the projects. I've watched almost all of her youtube videos, which include tutorials as well as opinion pieces and whatnot. She is lovely and I enjoy the few minutes each day wen I get to watch her talk about something artistic. 
Last night, I came across this video and I just had to share it. I think anyone who makes anything with any regularity will agree with this idea. I certainly do. It's something that I wish I could just shake people and make them understand every time someone tells me, "Wow, I wish I could make things like you do - you're so talented!" It sounds vain, but this video will show why it's really not vain. Do I have talents, sure. But do I believe they just fell from the sky and I could magically do some of the things I do? Absolutely not. I worked hard for YEARS at the things I do. I sucked just like anyone else when I started out, but I was determined to learn whatever it was (sewing, knitting, fancy baking, film photography, singing, etc, etc...) so I just stuck with it and eventually, I improved. All you have to do is want to learn something and dedicate yourself to the task - it will take a while, but you will get better and eventually you will be as good as the people you admire. It's a simple idea, but definitely not simple to put into practice.

I think that once you've seen this happen in your own life - where you made a decision and stuck it out until you got good at something - that makes it easier to do again with the next interest you have. I am always inspired by things I see others doing, and occasionally I decide I want to do that too. For me, this means that in my flux state of my creativity, I've been able to explore the work of others and give things a try. At the moment I am determined to learn brush calligraphy - I started the class with The Happy Ever Crafter last year, but I fell out and gave up. This year, I have gone farther than ever before and I plan on going all the way. I have to say, this one has taken more self control because it really is not coming as easily as I hoped, but dang it, I WILL be able to do this! I'm also dabbling in painting and collage thanks to Josie Lewis book (which is great, you should check it out). All these things just take consistent practice, and I enjoy the little time I get to devote to each when I can. Eventually, I will be able to sew again, but at least I have a few other creative outlets in the meantime :)

What do you think? Do you agree that talent doesn't exist?

1 comment:

  1. I am a maths person (currently doing my phd) and I was all ready to be frustrated with this person until she started talking about aptitude.

    The idea of talent being a myth applies to so many areas, not just art. I happen to have an aptitude for mathematics, but the reason I'm "good" at it is because I have spent years studying. The way to get good at something is to be willing to try and fail multiple times. When people say things like "Oh I hated maths" or "I suck at maths" it's like saying "I don't have the talent for mathematics".

    A way of combating this way of thinking is to say "I can't paint *yet*" or "I'm not good at maths *yet*".

    Thank you for sharing :-)


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