Friday, September 22, 2023

Machine Knitting: Buffalo Check Baby Blanket on the 22 pin Sentro Knitting Machine

If you've been involved in the knitting world on YouTube in the last year or so, you've probably seen the Sentro Knitting Machines. They are a circular, plastic, toy-looking knitting machine that is actually used by knitters (adults) for all kinds of projects. I had toyed with getting one or months, but it finally got me, and this project definitely helped me justify the splurge. My sister was having her first baby at the beginning of June, so I used that as the perfect chance to make this up.
I made this entire blanket on my 22 pin Sentro knitting machine in 2 days. Yes, really. I saw several tutorials and patterns making this same idea, but I knew I could figure it out on my own (controversial, I know). This entire blanket is double layered, because all the strips are knit in tubes and then flattened to seam them together. My sister really likes the black and gray baby trend that's been going around, so I decided to make this look like buffalo check. I used I Love This Yarn from Hobby Lobby in Greybead, Black, and White, and I made each square 17 rows, then switched to the next color, then switched back, etc until I had 12 squares per strip. This made my finished blanket 52 x 41 inches, so a good baby blanket size. Was the knitting perfect? Absolutely not, lol. This was my first actual project on the machine, so I learned a few important tips in making this:
  • make sure the yarn is free flowing into the machine with no added resistance or you will get tucked stitches and weirdness
  • snug your new color yarn after about 3 stitches, then tie it to the previous color after 4 or 5 rows
  • don't crank too fast or you will drop stitches
  • angle the machine on the edge of the table to the tube can fall freely and not bunch up or get twisted
Let's just say I'm thankful this project is double sided with the same color behind each square. If it didn't have that double layer, you would see ALL kinds of weird holes and spaced out stitches, but the double layer fills in the gaps. 
Seaming this beast took as much time (if not more) than cranking out the pieces. I tried out 2 methods of seaming the strips together- crocheting the edge stitches into each other, and mattress stitch. In the end, I liked the smooth look of the mattress stitch, so that is what I used, but man did that take a long time. Also being a double layer, this was quite warm to seam together in May/June in Florida. Just saying. For seaming, I started from the center of each line and worked outward, trying to make sure the squares lined up to give the plaid look I was going for. I think I mostly succeeded. This project is a major yarn hog though, so be warned. This baby blanket took almost the entire 4 skeins of yarn. Because of this, it's wonderfully squishy, but it is certainly a blanket for colder times.
Since this was a gift for my new nephew, I decided to add one of my tags :) Then hopefully he will know where this came from when he gets older. Part of why I wanted to make this was just to learn the construction, but also to see how sturdy it felt with all that seaming. I'm pleasantly surprised at how together this blanket feels. I was afraid the weight of the other strips would cause them to pull away from each other and create gaps, but if I didn't tell people it was made in strips then I don't think they would ever know.
I let my other new nephew test it out before I sent it to the recipient, and it passed the cozy baby test with flying colors :) 

All in all, I'm really happy with this project. You can't beat the speed, and for baby gifts this will give me a very impressive look without all the time I would usually have to spend (which is why I don't ever knit blankets - I get bored). I am certain I will be making more of these blankets for other new babies in the future, and it really makes my purchase of this little machine feel more justified. I have the most ridiculous yarn stash, so I'm excited about the greater possibilities of using it quicker.


Yarn: Hobby Lobby I Love This Yarn 2 skeins in Greybeard, 1 skein in Black, 1 skein in White: $14.96

Pattern: My own based off Koala Knits and Calumet Knits You Tube videos

Time: 2 Days

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