Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Coupons 4 Cuba

One of the other employees where I work recently immigrated here from Cuba. He is still working on his English, but we still have conversations about the oppressive conditions that drove him to leave his homeland and his family members behind. His parents, siblings and oldest son still live in Cuba, so he goes back as often as he can afford to visit them. Each time he goes back, he tries to bring everyday items with him that are expensive or difficult to get there. Just this week, he told us he will be going back to visit Cuba on May 29th and he will be bringing toiletries with him. Apparently they are incredibly expensive in Cuba so many are forced to go without. When he told this to my mom and me, we both decided to use our couponing abilities to help out. I'm calling our project...
There have been many deals available lately that I have taken advantage of to add to my stockpile even though they were items I knew I would not use. Sometimes, you have to purchase items that you would not normally buy in order to get overage on your bill to cover the cost of items that you may not have coupons for, which makes your overall total even out. Stores will rarely give you money back if you achieve overage, so you have to purchase other things to absorb that extra money they store will give you; if you do not buy anything else, the store basically gets that money, so it is always in your best interest to use it up. So, for example, last week I bought 8 packs of disposable razors and the store paid me $0.51 each pack to take them. So, even though I normally would not purchase disposable razors, I was able to get other things by purchasing these razors. Now, for just my husband and I, that's a crazy supply of razors. And contrary to popular belief, razors do go bad - they rust. I have personally experienced it. So, I will be starting off my donation to my Cuban friend with some of these razors :) It will make the deal even better when the items get to people who need and will appreciate them.

So, I am opening this up to anyone who reads my blog. If you would like to help out and donate some toiletries that you have stockpiled, please contact me and we will arrange for those items to go to Cuba at the end of the month :) Thank you in advance to anyone who makes a donation. Every little bit helps and these people will be so thankful.

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