Sunday, May 20, 2012

Bloom Review: Alchimie Forever Kantic Mask

Another item I was given to review in the May Bloom Ambassador set was this fancy face mask :)
This is the Kantic Mask from Alchimie Forever. This Swiss mask is packed full of botanicals that aid in reducing redness, brightening, soothing, and protecting your skin. Now, I am a confessed girlie-girl when it comes to face masks. I just love using them :) It makes me feel so pampered, and with all the things this mask promises I was stoked and ready to give it a whirl.

*Disclaimer - you are about to see my face with no makeup whatsoever. You have been warned :)
 I started off with a fresh-from-the-shower cleaned face. As you can see, I am very pale. I also have a few patchy dry spots, especially around my mouth and chin as well as the tip of my nose. I also have some redness from recent blemishes as well as just areas that are more pink on my complexion.
Sorry for the doofy cross eyed-ness again. Oh well :) Here is my forehead, which really just has blemish spots, but they will fade in the course of a few days. My biggest issue with my skin: dark circles. I joke sometimes that I look like a person with a terminal illness when you look under my eyes with no makeup to aid them. I know the mask didn't mention it, but I'm really hoping it will have some kind of brightening effect under my eyes.

So, how about the application?
This mask was a breeze to use. Just spread a liberal amount over the face and let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes. The mask does not dry, it just remains kind of tacky on you face. Once the full time is up, you just rinse off with lukewarm water. No muss, no fuss.
A neat aspect of this mask is that is is pretty much translucent when it is on your face. The above shot is while I am wearing the mask. I read a review by another user that said she wears it around her house and doesn't have to worry about her roommates teasing her, and I have to say I would never know I was wearing a mask if I hadn't in fact just put it on myself (lol confusing sentence, I know).

What's the verdict?
The mask felt great while it was one - actually very cooling for how goopey it is. It was easy to rinse off too, which is nice. I hate it when you have to scrub them off. That being said, I don't have an after shot to show you because I was a little embarrassed on how those came out. My face was very red from the mask and it took an hour or so for it to turn back to my pale color again. After my color evened out, I couldn't see any visible difference - my skin looked exactly the same. I still had my red blemish spots and dark circles (shucks!). I could definitely feel a difference though. Immediately after I took it off, my pores felt tightened yet moisturized at the same time.

I'm going to give this mask a 3 star rating mainly because I would like to give it another few chances before I make my official decision. The directions say to use it 1 to 2 times per week for best results, and I have only had it for a couple of days. So, I will try it again to see if I can notice any visible results. This is another review that should be read knowing a little other background info: this mask is for moisturization and I live in Florida. I get a lot of humidity all the time, plus my skin is oily anyway. All of the reviews I read from women who live in drier climates were all 5 stars, so if you are needing some extra moisture then this certainly seems to be a great option for your skin :)

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