Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Crochet and Knitting Update: Baby Gifts Galore!

So, I'm really into crochet now :) Ever since Leigh kindly taught me last Thursday night, I have worked on something at least every other night. I'm whipping out baby hats like nobody's business for all the baby showers and whatnot that I have coming up in the next few months.
This was my first endeavor in crocheting without someone to help me. My first hat came out looking so small due to my too-tight crocheting. This time I wanted to make sure that it was bigger so I added a row of increases at the top, but I may have gone a bit too big because this would drown a newborn. I do have a baby in mind though to give this to :) Just cause he's cute. This was my first try at adding a stripe and I'm really pleased with it.
On Sunday I finally made the booties I had planned for a baby gift. These were made to match the cream colored hat I made - these were knitted. This was an example of good use of time - I knitted one on the way to Orlando for my mother in law's birthday dinner and the other on the way back :) These are another go at the Chaussons Mignons French pattern and I used the correct needle size this time. I also made them a little wider and longer than the pattern calls for, so now I know they can be used for quite some time as the baby grows.
Here is the whole set together. The only thing I have left to do is put little Handmade By Megan tags inside (which I will be making tonight!) and they will be ready to wrap up.
After knitting on the drive on Sunday, I decided to finally start the Amigurumi: Woodland Animals Craftsy Class that my sister signed us up for :) I know I could have just skipped right over to where you start the first animal, but I am a good student and I always watch the whole class in order. First of all, Stacey Trock is so cute! One of the things I love most about Craftsy classes is that they really get very animated teachers who are really passionate about their craft and it's infectious. Anyway, since I diligently watch the classes, I didn't get very far into the actual construction, but I did finish the beak of my bird :)
Yesterday I found out that another lady from church is having a boy and there is a shower on Friday so I wanted to whip up a hat for her. Just due to the time constraint, I made a crocheted hat, but I found this cute hat on Ravelry that I knew i could tackle so I just had to try it.
It's a newsboy! The black outlined strap was just plain green, but it really disappeared on the hat, so I outlined it with black yarn. Also, since this is for a baby, I decided not to use an actual button that could be choked on. Instead I just did a magic loop and about 8 single crochet stitches on it, pulled it in real tight et voilà! A yarn button that is safe for baby :)
I was really on a roll after making the green newsboy, so I started this mint green/teal girl hat using a shell stitch. I know it doesn't look like much now, but I'm pretty happy with it so far. I'm excited to try an actual fancy stitch and this one is really simple. I'm using this pattern and I know it won't take much longer to finish it. It will just depend on if I decide to work on my bird tonight :)

I can't wait to see all of these on little heads! Do you think it will be weird to ask these expectant mothers if I can take a picture of their baby wearing the hat? Is that tacky or pushy? I'd just love to show everyone how they look in action :)

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