Thursday, September 27, 2012

It's Here! Yippee, Hooray!

Sorry for the total and complete lack of posting today. I spent a lot of time running around and then a lot of time using products for my latest Bloom reviews (which are soon to come) :) Also, I just had to bring it to everyone's attention what a special day it is...
It's the day of J.K. Rowling's newest release! The much anticipated next work after all the years of nothing but Harry Potter. The book is called The Casual Vacancy. I've only read about 15 pages, but I can already tell you ... this is nothing like Harry Potter. It's a little strange to get used to at first, but I am certainly hooked and excited to keep reading. Just don't go into it expecting HP for grown ups because you'll be highly disappointed.

I'll have to be a big girl and not let myself stay up reading it or I'll never wake up in the morning ... We shall see how that goes ...

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