Friday, January 11, 2013

Pinspirations: Week 1

Just like all Pinterest addicts, I have a zillion pins on my boards. Occasionally I will try one of two of them, but the ratio of 'pins tried' to just 'pinned' is crazy. I love cruising pinterest and it gives me lots of great ideas, and I really want to make an effort to put more of these great ideas into practice. So, I will try to make this a weekly post of something that inspired me or helped me in some way during the week :)

This week, I've been on a cleaning kick - well, I've tried to be. Let's say I've wanted to clean and got a decent amount done, but my illnesses prevented me from doing as much as I like. But I digress. I have these small rugs that we use in our kitchen that look and feel just nasty. I saw this pin a while back and luckily remembered it yesterday so I put it to the test on the two little rugs.
If you want to try this yourself - make sure you actually run the whole wash cycle each time. I tried just doing it on rise and spin and ended up with a bunch of wet baking soda in my washer. But I ran it again with both the baking soda and the vinegar in one wash and it worked great. Those rugs look better than they have in years :)

Also while cleaning yesterday, I did lots of laundry and really wanted to get it all put away. This is a constant problem at our house - the laundry gets done but just remains in baskets because we can't get it in our drawers or we're just plain lazy. In an effort to make this better, I saw this pin and tried it out on my husbands t-shirt drawer.
This seriously has changed my life. When the shirts are folded this way, not only can you fit more in the drawer (I was able to add at least 8 shirts!), it also makes it easier to tell which shirt is which because the graphic on the front ends up right on the fold. Easy peasy!

So, hopefully this can add a little inspiration to your week too :) Have you found any useful pins lately?

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