Wednesday, May 17, 2023

WIP Wednesday: The Joys of Library Knitting Books

Friends, knitting can be a pricy hobby sometimes. Yarn, needles, patterns, notions - it all adds up and we tend to just go with the flow. One way I like to cut down on my knitting spending but still have new options and inspiration is by getting pattern books from the library. Sometimes I search for specific ones, sometimes I just type in "knit" in the online search and see what comes up. It had been a while since I perused the selections of my county library, so I had a bunch of different ones sent in to look at and see what strikes me. It's super fun to just have a stack of knitting books to look through, and why buy these when our tax dollar already have? Some of these aren't great, to be honest (what's up with the Outlander one being entirely full of chunky knits?), but all the better that I borrowed them from the library to find that out before shelling out my own money.
One book in particular had several things I wanted to make, one of which I cast on immediately. Since I don't really shop for books much, I never know about the newest ones until I see them at the library, but this one slipped under my radar completely. I'm not the biggest Disney "wearer", but I grew up a major Disney kid (being from Central Florida and everything), so some things just need to be made. I'm about halfway finished with Gus Gus and I will absolutely be making those little mermaid socks. So cute. I've made good progress on Gus, but dang it if I haven't messed up his feet TWICE now. Ugh, lol. I will have knit 4 feet by the time I finish him, but he will be so cute.

Do you ever get books from your local library? If not, I definitely recommend that you do. I've been able to get patterns from very expensive books or books that are no longer in print. It's a wonderful thing :)

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