Wednesday, April 16, 2014

WIP Wednesday: Easter Is Almost Here!

Well, as promised to my husband I have slowed down with my knitting crazy this week. I have managed to finish one item though (check back Friday) and almost finish another!
This is the Well-Dressed Bunny pattern from Fuzzy Mitten - is this not the cutest bunny pattern?! I fell in love with it immediately and knew I had to make it up for Easter this year. I managed to completely finish the bunny himself, but as you can see he is not very "well-dress" at the moment, lol.
The pattern includes several outfit options, but I'm going for the very dapper jacket and waistcoat look. I've already started the waistcoat :) Hopefully I finish it before Sunday!
I would have gotten much farther with my bunny if I hadn't finally decided to do some of the alterations that have piled up in my sewing room. I bought this skirt because it was on clearance for super cheap, but it was a size 1X - as you can see it was quite a bit too big on me (I could actually just slip it on and off without opening the zipper). So last night I buckled down with an audio book and got to sewing.
By the end of the night, I had a much more wearable skirt (at least it didn't slip off, lol), but it's still not quite there yet. Those wrinkles at my hips are driving me crazy - it's like mini jodhpurs. So this will get a bit more work before I wear it out and about. Definitely a great staple in the making though - it's a knee length black knit straight skirt. Totally filling wardrobe holes - hizzah!
I decided to listen to Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore last night while sewing and I am really enjoying it so far. It's completely different from my usual reads, but so far its a very cute story and it's interesting. Can't really ask for more than that, right?
So that's what's up around these parts this week. Head over to Tami's Amis' Blog to see what others are making!

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