Wednesday, January 28, 2015

WIP Wednesday: Knitting and Home Improvements

Man, it has been a while! I can't believe how the time flew by - I've had so much going on that my blog hasn't shown the progress. But progress has indeed been made! First off, here is my sock:
I know it's an awful picture, but at least it's looking more sock-ish now :) Once I turned the heel, I had to try it on (much to the dismay of the purl rows between the motifs, lol) Now I'm just continuing my way up. I plan on making these as knee-high as I have yarn to do, if that makes sense. I am just a smidge shy of how much yarn the pattern calls for, so I might not make it truly "knee high". They do seem to fit nicely though, so that's good :)

I feel like I should make my full excuse as to why I've been so busy - I'm finally finishing a bunch of things around my house! My sister has been in town from Japan, and she has made it her goal to get things done in my house, lol. She loves diy, and living on base housing she hasn't been able to do anything where she lives, so she's living vicariously through my house - that's just fine by me :)
This is just a sill preview, but it shows two of the finished areas - my hall and foyer are painted gray with white trim, my living room is finished being painted (the other side of the room still had never been painted, lol), and we've even started hanging art work - it's kind of a miracle after living in a sadly unfinished house for 2 years. She also is painting my cabinet doors and drawer for my kitchen - I have functioning drawers! That alone has been kind of life changing. Now I'm working on getting all my art work together so that we can design a gallery wall. I've even ordered a few new prints, so it should be pretty exciting :) That picture above the lamp in the photo is a hand colored lithograph I bought at a thrift store for $5.00 year ago - it's numbered and signed, and it's professionally framed and everything. I love that I get to see it hanging up everyday now! I can't wait to show more progress once the gallery walls are done. So exciting!

Hopefully this makes at least some kind of good excise for my lack of knitting, lol.
That's it for me this week :) Head over to Stitch Along Wednesday to see what others are working on too!


  1. Does she want to come do my house next? Seriously, I'm not buying anymore prints until I put up some of the ones languishing in corners right now..yeah the stitches don't like being tried on....

    1. My first inclination is to say, "No way!" to your request for my sister, lol, but only because I have plenty more things for her to do :) I'm excited to finally get some of my prints up on the walls - I've been accumulating art for two years since I bought the house. CRazy - I know. At least I got a nice bunch of frames at a thrfit store today!

  2. The socks are looking great! I love that shade of blue!

    1. Thanks so much! I'm really liking the lace pattern, and I always gravitate toward this color of blue, lol. I should probably branch out ...


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