Monday, November 6, 2017

Cat Lovers! Could You Help Our Bert? (And Meet Bert!)

Hi blog friends! If you follow me on Instagram (@showandtellmeg), you'll have seen several posts over the last month about our newest family member - meet Bert!
Bert was sitting in the middle of the road early one Saturday morning when my husband stopped to help him (he didn't want anyone to hit him sitting there). He was obviously sick and had been abandoned, and his poor little eye had ruptured at some point and was infected. Justin took him to his mom's house (because he was on his way there at the time) where they fed him and tried to fix him up as best they could. They all fell in love with the little guy, and knowing that a shelter would put him down due to his eye injury, Justin and I decided to keep him. We named him Bert :)
Bert has turned out to be a very sweet little cat. At first he just wanted to sit and snuggle with me. We got him checked out at the vet where they had us take him home to treat him for a respiratory infection before we could talk about surgery for his eye. Over those few weeks he really settled in with us. He loves to help me knit, and he likes to hang out in my sewing room while I sew.
Just a few cute shots from the past few weeks :) He loved to cuddle around my neck, but now he's bigger and in better health so he's into everything.
Bert is particularly fascinated with yarn winding. When he can't chase a ball of yarn, he just sits beneath the swift and stares at it, lol. It's super cute. It's nice to have a craft room cat at last. I love my other cat, Daisy, but she could care less about anything I'm doing. This guy is always following me around and trying to figure things out.
Sadly, his eye is still in terrible shape. We keep putting drops in it to avoid infection, but we just found out that his eye surgery will cost $500. My husband and I are trying to sell our house, and until it does we just flat out can't afford the surgery. Bert is making the best of things, but it just breaks my heart every time I look at him knowing that he is living like this because we can't afford to fix him.
SO - I'm turning to the gracious and giving people of the internet and the sewing community. I know many of you are cat lovers too, and I figured we would try and see if anyone else would be willing to donate to help pay for this surgery. I've started a You Caring Page for donations, and absolutely any amount you can give would be greatly appreciated. Maybe if we all give a little bit, we can help this little guy have a much better quality of life :) (you can click the Widget above that says Donate Now)
I would never ask if I could at all pay for this surgery myself, but I hate making him wait that long (especially not having any idea when my house will sell). So if you love cats or just would like to help an adorable cause, please head here or click the widget above on this post or on the upper right of my home blog page and help us help Bert :)


  1. Done! Hope Bert gets the help he needs!!

    1. Thank you SOOOOO much Ryann! He definitely will thanks to everyone's kindness :)

  2. Was finally biting the bullet to buy the fringe dress pattern but decided my money was better spent here. His facial structure looks so much like my kitten. Give him lots of us love from us here in Australia.

    1. that is such an awesome thing!! It could be a whole sewer giving movement - give up your next pattern or yardage to a good cause. :)

    2. Thank you so much Elizabeth! I'm blown away with so much generosity. I'm sure your kitten is a lucky little one too :) Who knew that someone so far away would care about my little guy.

  3. Good luck, and godspeed, Bert!


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