Monday, March 1, 2021

New Endeavors

Friends, it has been a while, huh? Life is interesting, and while I've still been making things, I just haven't felt that urge to blog and share. So weird for me, right? I was happy with the little group I had to enjoy my creations with and while I still shared on Instagram ( @showandtellmeg ), I just never could sit down at the computer and blog about it. BUT things have now changed, and I don't have that same outlet I had before in a person that shares my newest interests :/ Which is sad. But it has made me miss blogging and the community it provides. All that is to say - I'm back! I plan on being much more active on the blog now and I will be keeping up with sharing my creations and things I love. I have a back log of things to post that I made last year, but I will be mixing in some new content that has become my obsession lately.

Here is just a small smattering of what I've been up to. With all the craziness of the last year, it pushed me more and more into something I've been low key trying to do for a long time, and that is to be as self sufficient as possible. I now keep chickens and quail and mealworms. I have a garden that is ever expanding. I'm trying out new food preservation and fermentation and making things from scratch in a traditional, highly nutritious way. I've also been very focused on eating a healthy diet to stay well, which feels like the only hope we have with everything going on. I have a lot of posts planned to share my experience with these things as well as where I get my supplies and how I manage to do things on a budget. I'm very excited about blogging my new adventures and I hope you will be too. Don't worry - I will still be posting my other creative pursuits like knitting, sewing, art, baking, etc. I just am in full tilt with this whole project and I look forward to sharing it with others.

Funny how life changes, isn't it? But if we roll with it and adapt, we will be all the better for our experiences. Thanks for joining me on my little section of the internet, and I will be back very soon :)

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