My goodness, friends. It is very hard to get back into the habit of blogging regularly once you've let it slide for a year or more, lol. I really want to blog again! Yet here we are - 1 month after I last posted *sigh*. Well, here's hoping I can kick back into full gear this time.
Way back last May, I was visiting the now ex-boyfriend for the weekend and we were going to be playing DnD with his friends. DnD gives a lot of knitting time, so I made sure to pack my current sweater project (Endearment) as well as my current (at the time) sock project (Jaywalker) just in case I decided I wanted an easier project. On a whim, I grabbed this knitting kit as I walked out the door just in case I wanted to switch things up even more that weekend. Turns out this was a great idea! While playing DnD, I started off knitting my sock. I got all the way to the toe area ... and realized I had not brought the solid purple yarn for the toe :/ This meant I could not knit the sock any further AND I couldn't start the second sock either because the cuff would also need to be in that purple yarn. No worries - on to the next project! I started knitting my Endearment sweater, which was sailing right along... AND I RAN OUT OF YARN! I knew I was getting to the end of the skein, obviously, but I grossly underestimated how long that ball I had left would last. So I had to stop knitting the sweater. Luckily, I had grabbed this little doggie kit, so I was still able to knit that night. About and hour and a half later, and this little doggie was finished!
Mochimochi Land sells these adorable kits on her website and it includes all the yarn and stuffing you need to make up an adorable mini amigurumi. I received 3 mystery kits as part of my prize when I won their video contest in 2018. I got the kits before they were publicly announced, but shortly after she released the Ice Cream Doggie pattern and kit along with 3 other patterns (2 other kits) on her website, so the surprise has been over for quite some time.I've used her patterns lots of times, but I had always just used my own yarn since I have such a huge stash. So this was my first time using one of her kits, and I have to say I really enjoyed it! This kit was made up using Cascade Heritage yarns, which I am a big fan of in general, so it was a pleasure to knit with.

The texture on the cone turned out great, though it definitely did take some blocking to get it to lay right. Which is totally fine, but it meant I couldn't really count this as "finished" at the DnD game.
And this post wouldn't be complete without a shot of his cute little tail! Love it, lol.
I really can't believe it took me so long to knit up this kit, and I still have 2 other food dog kits! Craziness. Time really does fly by, doesn't it? Maybe I'll make one of these each year, lol. Thanks again to Anna at Mochimochi Land for this adorable kit and for her amazing patterns in general :) You should seriously check her stuff out if you haven't.
Yarn: Cascade Heritage (provided in Mochimochi Land kit)
Pattern: Ice Cream Doggie by Anna Hrachovec
Time: 2 hours
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