Wednesday, July 26, 2023

WIP Wednesday: Sewing At Last!

I almost can't believe I'm able to say this, but ... I have actually been sewing some clothes! I know! 
I've had the sewing bug for quite some time now, but because of other things I had going on that were on a deadline, I couldn't really sit down and start anything. With buying linen this past month, I REALLY wanted to get to wear it, you know? So this past weekend, I buckled down (i.e. I actually cleared out my table and sewing area at long last) and made it happen. I knew exactly what I wanted to make too, so  Saturday after work I pieces the patterns together and traced them off, that night I cut them out, then Sunday I started sewing.
I started off with a white linen Cielo top. I did some modifications and I had to tweak the length by adding bias tape because it was too short, but I managed to finish this one Sunday night.
Then Monday I started in on the Fioré skirt. This is in the greatest mustard yellow colored heavy weight linen. LOVE IT. I got the whole skirt assembled Monday night, then Tuesday was buttons and hem. You'll have to wait until I post these for the full reveal, but *spoiler alert* I love this skirt so much.

I've also been knitting in the background, but sewing has definitely been the focus. It's been so long since I actually made myself clothes, plus I'm a smaller size than I was when I last sewed often, so I'm essentially starting afresh and it's been pretty great. I have several other projects already planned, and I have even more fabric and patterns that I want to make up but I haven't paired them up yet. I did announce on Instagram that I think I'm entering my linen years and I want to make everything in linen, so be prepared for lots of that to come, lol.

What have you been up to this week?


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