Wednesday, May 27, 2015

WIP Wednesday: Definite Progress and New Projects

Well, it's another Wednesday and I do have some discernible progress to show!
Look! That is a real sleeve! I'm to the point now on my Emelie that I have to decide once and for all how long the sleeves will be. I need to knit about 1 more inch plain and then do 3 inches of ribbing and this sleeve will be finished. Of course now I find out I have plenty of yarn leftover, so I could have made the body longer, but what can you do. Note to self - this is why I prefer top-down cardigans. I do love the style of this though, and I'm really excited to get this one finished and wearable.
Of course, I didn't feel like being dutiful and working on my Emelie cardigan last night, lol. I have a sudden urge to cheer myself up with a stuffed animal, so I'm going with it. I've been a bit down lately, so I'm trying things to help perk me back up a bit. Case and point: I've always loved the Baby Doll pattern by Susan B. Anderson (it's in Itty-Bitty Toys), but I've always said I would have to just wait and make it if I ever had a daughter. Obviously, that has not happened, and I just really want to make this baby doll. So I cast on last night :) I may be a 30 year old with a baby doll, but I don't care. I'm really excited to have this in my collection of heirloom toys.
I've also been sewing a bit over the holiday weekend. I spent my Saturday night tracing 4 patterns I've always wanted to make, and then made a muslin of the Megan Dress from Love at First Stitch by Tilly Walnes on Monday. I had the opposite problem I usually have - the front fit fine, but the back had a ridiculous amount of excess. I'm going to have to have someone pin it all out for me and mark the wedge so I can see what to take out, plus I definitely made a size too big, but even with just taking it in at the sides it was still big on the bottom. I also will have to lengthen the bodice by about 3/4". Right after I made this muslin and saw these issues, I suddenly realized I may not like this style of dress on me. I'm still trying to decide. Either way, progress stopped there and I just didn't have the desire to sew anymore that day. Oh well. I do want to make myself a birthday dress this year, which may be what I submit for the Outfit Along as well. So we shall see.
That's all for me this week :) Head over to Gracey's Goodies to see what others are making up as well!


  1. It seems as though summer is the time of knitting sweaters. Yours looks great.

    1. Thanks very much :) At least if I finish it now, it will be ready to wear when it cools down again :)

  2. Love your sweater, the dress looks great! Thanks for sharing.


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