Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Weekly Pinspirations

The weekend was full of random Pinterest help. Some friends of ours were driving home through Georgia and stopped at the state Farmer's Market to grab peaches. They grabbed a whole box full for us, so I was busy processing the peaches. I started off with peach cobbler for dessert, but I honestly had never made it with anything but canned peaches, so I needed to find a recipe and this one fit the bill:
I didn't get a picture of my results, but I can tell you - it was quite tasty!

With all the peaches I peeled and sliced I ended up with a bunch of pits and seeds. I got it into my head not to waste them so I looked up what to do to start my own seeds.
My search brought me to this pin. It was pretty straight forward - clean all the pulp off the pits, wrap them in a damp paper towel, put them in a ziplock bag and freeze them for several months. Pretty easy. Aparently you can do thus with just the seeds too and most of my pits had already opened up I had mostly seeds. One thing I learned - you have to be careful with peach seeds because they contain cyanide! Interesting ...

For dinner last night, my husband really wanted enchiladas. No problem! I went to the cupboard to get enchilada sauce to find that we only had one can - and the recipe required two. I knew I could make it myself so I turned to Pinterest for a recipe and decided to go with this one:
It was very easy to make. My only complaint is about the person's taste - I made it up like it says and it was total blandsville. Like salty canned tomato sauce. Then I noticed that she says her family doesn't like spicy food - she wasn't kidding. So I pretty much tripled the amount of spices the recipe calls for. I just added a little, tasted it, then added some more, and so on until it tasted like actual enchilada sauce. Success!
This was my sauce and it no joke tasted just like the canned stuff, just without the nasty preservatives :)
And here is my lack luster photograph. I forgot to take a pic until after we ate and they had been out if the oven for about 20 minutes. Is it just me or does cheese just loose all its visual appeal after it's cooled? The enchiladas were really good though, in spite of my not so great looking photo.

So that's a sampling of my Pinterest adventures of the weekend. Have you used any pins lately?

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