Monday, January 27, 2014

Fantastic New Free Class on Craftsy: Complete Knife Skills

This weekend marked two awesome accomplishments for me. I finished my sweater (photos to come in a few days - the weather is super rainy right now), and I also learned how to properly use knives in the kitchen! I actually accomplished these two things simultaneously - isn't technology great? :)

Craftsy just released a new free class called Complete Knife Skill. The class is taught by Chef Brendan McDermott and is seriously chock full of incredibly simple yet invaluable information. Within a few minutes of watching, I was really amazed by how much I had learned. Chef McDermott goes through the 3 main types of knives used most often in a professional kitchen, why they are used and how, how to hold them, and how to perform the standard cuts on different types of vegetables. I never realized that I should be using my big chef knife more often! The class teaches you what is taught to professional chefs to make their lives easier and their cutting more efficient. It's all about reducing the amount of work you have to do - the knife should be doing the work. 
Thanks to our new smart tv that Justin and I bought ourselves for Christmas, I was even able to watch this class on the big screen! I just signed in on the tv and came into the future, lol. It was fantastic to watch it this way because I could see the details so much better. I highly recommend this if you have the means.
So while I finished up my button bands on Sunday afternoon, I also learned how to use a knife like a pro - talk about multi-tasking! I'm actually excited about the next time I need to cut an onion, which is a huge deal as I am super crazy sensitive to crying. This class actually teaches you how to avoid crying at all - I never knew that was even possible! It's all about the grain of the onion and not releasing much of the liquid (that's what makes you cry).

Anyway, I could gush all day about this - suffice it to say that even if you have had no interest in any of the Craftsy classes I have posted about, this one is THE CLASS you need to take. Everyone should take this class. It's not very long, but it packs a crazy amount of useful info that will benefit your cooking forever. Who wouldn't like their chopping to not take so long, amiright? So head over here to sign up for this class. It's free and you can watch it whenever you want, as many times as you want, forever!

Sign up for this class now! Don't wait! You won't regret it!

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